Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weird Al to do next years Superbowl halftime show?




New Paper Airplane Record

Movies that make you happy to be alive

No ranking order, just movies that make you feel happy to be alive.

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade
The fight, on the tank, with Henry and Marcus inside? Indiana Jones made archaeology cool. And this movie makes life worth living.

Mighty Ducks 2

Bombay shaking his dick all over the sidelines, Charlie Conway running around with the American Flag, and Adam 'cake-eater' Banks' triple deke? What's not to love? Somehow this movie, in one form or another, always makes its way on a post.

Major League
Ricky Vaugn bangs Roger Dorns wife? Charlie Sheen admitted to doin' roids for this flick. God knows why. But look me in the face and tell me this movie doesn't make you feel good after watching Jake Taylor leg out a bunt to score Willie Hayes.

Rocky 2
Nothing against the other Rocky movies, as it's always a debate as to which one is the best. My order goes 4,2,1,6,3,5. I couldn't not pick Rocky 2 as the ultimate feel-good Rocky flick thought. Just something about that 'old-school' feeling.

True Lies
Come on now, you didn't think I'd give Arnie the shaft, did you? T2 is undoubtedly one of the greatest movies in cinematic history, if not the greatest. Tear jerker when Arnold goes down on the crane giving the thumbs up. But True Lies was Arnolds best performance. I still get goosebumps when he saves Jamie-Lee from the limo as he's hanging off the chopper.

That's all for now. We will have more in the future. Can't blow my wad on the first day!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tribute to the action stars that aren't a bunch of pussies

Action stars now... (X-Men first class)

Action Starts then... (Arnold in Predator)

Shit, it's like Harvard vs Texas, an AIDS patient vs a power-lifter, a veggie burger vs a steak. You get the point. Bunch of pussies. Can't wait for The Expendables 2!

Monday, February 13, 2012

10 Movies that....

If you watched them, enjoyed them, and weren't on a date to try and get some, your'e gay!
Brokeback Mountain is the obvious choice for #1, so we're not even putting it in this list to save us all time


9)Failure to Launch


7)Four Christmasses

6)Couples Retreat


4)Spice World

3)The Hot Chick

2)Pokemon, The First Movie

1)From Justin to Kelly

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Tribute - Archer

I'm a little upset over the fact that most of my close personal friends do not watch the show Archer, which airs on FX at 10pm Thursday nights. Here's a little taste of what you sum'bitches are missing out on:

Monday, February 6, 2012

3rd project

Knuckeball Productions is wasting no time prepping for the 3rd short film. Rob Vaccaro and Franklin DuBois have completed the 1st draft of the untitled detective flick. See more on the official site here: KB3


Wednesday, February 1, 2012