Sunday, March 4, 2012

People who got shafted out of an Oscar for their roles

Who should have won best actor: 

Leslie Nielsen as frank Drebin in The Naked Gun
Who won: Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man. Anybody can act retarded aka drunk aka sick as all hell. It's called calling in sick to a college class.

Robin Williams as Euphegenia Doubtfire in Mrs Doubtfire
Who won: Tom Hanks in Philadelphia. AIDS

Who should have won best supporting actor: 

Roger Rees as The Sheriff of Rottingham in Robin Hood: Men in Tighs
Who did win: Tommy Lee Jones for The Fugitive. There's only one Tommy Lee and he's the one who piped out Pam Anderson on a boat.

Terry Kiser as Bernie Lomax in Weekend a Bernies
Who did win: Denzel Washington in Glory. Get out of my face.

OJ Simpson in Naked Gun 2 1/2: The Smell of Fear
Who did win: Jack Pance in City Slickers. City Slickers 2 was 10 times better and it got jack shit.

Best Picture

The Expendables
What won: The Kings Speech. Like there aren't enough movies about the King Henry's.

More Coming Soon!

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